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सूक्ष्म कठोरता परीक्षक

स्वचालित माइक्रोहार्डनेस टेस्टर

Automatic Microhardness Tester with motorized XYZ stage, motorized loading and auto measurement system. Load Range - 10 gm to 1 kg; optional 5 gm, 1 gm, 2000 gm Auto turret

सेमी-ऑटोमैटिक माइक्रोहार्डनेस टेस्टर

Semi-Automatic Microhardness Tester Load Range - 10 gm to 1 kg; 5 gm and 1 gm optional Auto Turret - 3 position or 6 position Motorized Loading LCD touch screen panel to select load, turret position, illumination, display of diagonal lengths, hardness value etc